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How to Work From Home More Effectively

COVID-19 is a reality that seems to be here to stay for awhile. With the many challenges during these times, many continue to find themselves working from home - now possibly with the added struggles of back-to-school. These are tough times for everyone no matter your circumstances, but we’ve gathered some helpful tips & tricks we’ve found to help make your life a little easier!

Designate a Work Space. Preferably away from the others in your household so that your job is not interfering with anything going on at home and vice-versa. This will keep a stress-free area of quiet where you can concentrate. Only use this space for work if possible and maintain the area as strictly off-limits from the others in your home. If you do not have a separate room, find a corner or space away from main living areas and grab a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. Even better if you can create a physical boundary of some kind if you don’t have a door: baby gates, partition, or a curtain could work depending on your space.

Be Up Front with Your Boss & Coworkers. Interruptions & conflicts are really inevitable, especially with kids and/or pets close by. But by being honest with your coworkers and boss about your current situation, you can better manage any expectations during a work call or with deadlines. For example, if you have a Zoom call, and you know there may be unavoidable background noise, bring it up at the beginning of the conversation. Others are most likely in the same situation. If you need to revise your business hours in order to manage your work load, be sure to communicate this in your email signature, voicemail message, etc.

Stick to a Routine. Create a daily routine that works for you, your family and your job. As everyone’s situation is unique, this will certainly look different for everyone. This can take time to really figure out and may take some trial and error, but t is important to create solid routines to help manage the to-do list every day. This can also help to create a sense of expectation for everyone in the house so there is no confusion as to what you are doing and when.

Use Visual Cues to Minimize Interruptions from Children. It can be hard for children to understand that just because you are home, that you are in fact working! By using a visual cue such as: closing your door, putting up a stop sign sticker on your laptop, or that when your headphones are on, you can help your children understand that you are working and need no interruption at that time. Give them an idea of what you are doing for next hour and then be sure to take a break and have some with them! Communicating expectations & a timeline can create boundaries that will allow you to focus on your work while discouraging intrusions.

Pack Up at the End of the Day. Once you’ve finished your day’s work, close that laptop, put away your papers and leave them in your work area. Since you are at home, it is important to designate work time & down time. Solidly separating your time is important for your sanity and for the others at home too. Keeping your work things out of site will allow you a chance to relax and not be reminded of work as well!

Balancing work and home life can certainly be a challenge in normal times to say the least, and with everyone being at home more - things can definitely get stressful fast. Keep these strategies in mind as you navigate this unprecedented time! Have you found any tips or ways to work from home more effectively? Let us know in the comments!


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